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                                                                   Early Childhood Philosophy


In order to prepare our children for future success, we believe that children need to be equipped with the skills that will afford them with an edge in the 21st Century.  Like The Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21), Kimber’s tots advocates for the integration of 21st century skills (critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, technology literacy, and social-emotional development) in early learning experiences for young children to build the skills they need not only when entering school but also in life. This framework identifies early childhood as the years from toddler/ pres-chooler through kindergarten (ages 18 months – 6 years).  Please see the document link below for a full understanding of our philosophy.



The ability to read and write, to understand the nuances of language, to think and reason clearly, and to communicate effectively with others is key to success in school and in life. Researchers have identified a window of time from birth to around age 8 as crucial for a child’s development of literacy. We develop literacy by continually exposing children to oral and written language, and by building on prior knowledge and language experiences. Pictures, play, and the printed word combine with oral language to help your child understand the symbolic representation that underlies reading and writing. A variety of exciting and engaging strategies are utilized in the classroom to develop literacy.





We introduce scientific concepts by capitalizing on children's innate curiosity about the world.  We provide children with opportunities to predict, observe, inquire, analyze, draw conclusions, find patterns, and hypothesize.  The scientific process in an inherent part of the learning that occurs through exploration and trial/error.









                  Social Studies


Preschool gives children their first sense of community outside the home.  Social Studies learning starts with children making friends and participating in decision making in the classroom.  We then extend beyond our school into the neighborhood and around the world as children gain an awareness of the world beyond them.






Children need to find the meaning in numbers and symbols so that they can ultimately solve problems.  Through hands-on learning, visualization and pictorial representations, student's understanding, confidence, and love of math grows.  Children learn early on that math is all around and begin to make connections that are meaningful and relevant.  We empower children to develop critical-thinking skills, positive attitudes, and the confidence to persevere - setting the stage for achievement. 










Children need to be exposed to technological skills that prepare them for future success. We teach children how to best utilize the technological tools that are offered, while instilling a curriculum that promotes technology etiquette according to age appropriate parameters.




We value more than ever the importance of mental wellness in our children.  Our goal is to equip children with coping strategies, social skills and communication techniques that best support emotionally sound children.  Social and emotional learning is the process whereby children acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitude, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.


         Art/Music/Dramatic Play


Children need opportunities to explore their creative side.  A centers based philosophy allows for children to express themselves in these areas on a daily basis.  Hands-on activities allow children to express themselves freely through a variety of media.

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